9 Summary 总结
Rocket Mortgage accelerated feature delivery by aligning teams to business-value stream-focused release trains, providing clarity on organizational objectives, and giving teams autonomy to hit those objectives. By also using Scaled Scrum, Client Marketing implemented a MetaScrum to synchronize product backlogs and stakeholders across teams, and the Scaled Daily Scrum
to synchronize the leadership team on impediment removal. The team has shown that Scaled Scrum and Scaled Agile frameworks are fully compatible -- and companies can achieve great results by leveraging them together.
Rocket Mortgage让团队聚焦在业务价值流发布火车,提供明确的组织目标,并赋予团队实现这些目标的自主权,从而加速了特性的交付。通过使用Scrum@Scale,客户营销部采用MetaScrum来同步产品待办列表和跨团队的利益相关方,通过执行Scaled Daily Scrum同步领导团队,清除障碍。通过团队实践证明,Scrum@Scale和SAFe是完全兼容的,公司可以充分利用它们来取得巨大的成果。
With the caveats noted in the Future Research section of this paper, the authors believe the steps taken by Client Marketing as outlined in this paper to be generalizable to other companies and industries for several reasons. First, Client Marketing’s success was predicated by using Scaled Agile and Scaled Scrum “by the book.” No customizations were made to either framework to match the processes of Client Marketing. Instead, Client Marketing changed to follow the frameworks. Second, Client Marketing implemented standard software development procedures such as CI/CD [38-41]. And third, Client Marketing uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, such as CirclCI, Docker, AWS, and Sonarqube.
依据本文下一章未来研究部分中提到的注意事项,作者认为本文概述的客户营销部所采取的措施可以推广到其他公司和行业,原因有以下几点:首先,客户营销部的成功是以 "按部就班 "地使用SAFe和Scrum@Scale为前提的。没有对这两个框架进行定制以匹配客户营销的流程。相反,客户营销部对自身做出了改变来适应这两个框架。第二,客户营销部实施了标准的软件开发流程,如CI/CD[38-41]。第三,客户营销部使用现成的商业化软件(COTS),如CirclCI、Docker、AWS和Sonarqube。
10 Future Research(未来研究)
The learnings from the Client Marketing Release Train apply to the broader organization. A movement is underway towards wider MetaScrum implementation, Scaled Daily Scrums, delivery focus, and fewer roles.
Two significant trends are relevant to Agile transformations in all industries. First, Rocket Mortgage is moving to business units based on value streams where all teams can directly see their effect on organizational performance. Second, expansion of continuous delivery to enable automated rollout and testing of a subgroup followed by an automatic rollback in the event of problems or automated rollout to a broader base in the case of success.
有两个重要的趋势与所有行业的敏捷转型相关。首先,Rocket Mortgage 正在转向基于价值流的业务单元,所有团队可以直接看到他们对组织绩效的影响。第二,扩大持续交付的范围,能够实现分组的自动部署和测试,在出现问题时可以自动回滚,或者在成功时自动地部署到更多的分组。
The effect of value stream organizations with continuous deliv