,麦克阿瑟将军将《工业管理基础》带到了日本[15],随后戴明博士和其他人也在20世纪50年代来到日本[16]。大野耐一将其发展为丰田生产系统-TPS[17]。萨瑟兰曾与丰田的许多A3专家合作过,其中包括丰田肯塔基工厂的Mike Tromas。在那里,Mikes通过A3将Scrum引入装配线生产支持中,并将生产力提高了一倍多[18]。
The research methodology of this paper uses the six-step A3 process to describe the background, current condition, target for improvement, root causes analysis of major problems, recommend interventions, and follow-up in a way that other organizations can implement the recommended changes [19].
4 Rocket Mortgage Background Rocket Mortgage背景
Before a Scaled Agile organizational change, the technology teams at Rocket Mortgage were organized into roughly eight technology-centered "platforms," with each group responsible for large pieces of the underlying technology. Each platform was staffed by a group of teams with almost total autonomy in how they operated. As a result, there was a range of development methodologies from traditional project management to Kanban.
在实施SAFe组织变革之前,Rocket Mortgage的技术团队被分成大约八个以技术为中心的 "平台",每个平台组各负责一项底层的技术工作。每个平台组都由一组团队组成,这些团队几乎完全自主地运作。因此,在公司内存在多种多样的开发方法,从传统的项目管理到看板方法都有。
There was a need to realign the ownership of projects and initiatives across the organization. In July 2018, the overall portfolio consisted of more than 275 "high-priority" work items ranging in size from small projects to large-scale initiatives. These were prioritized quarterly by a large group of business and platform leaders and roughly coordinated by project managers and "Epic Owners." Additionally, platforms and their component teams managed individual work backlogs fed by requests from multiple business areas and partners across the organization. There was little structured coordination from top to bottom. As work was divided up and funneled down to teams, the priorities, processes, and working structures became progressively independent and disparate from one another.
实施SAFe需要重新调整整个组织里所有项目和举措的所有权。2018年7月,整个公司的业务线包括超过275个 "高优先级 "的工作事项,规模从小型项目到大型举措不等。这些事项由一大批业务和平台领导人每季度进行优先排序,并由项目经理和 "史诗负责人 "进行协调。此外,平台和他们的组件团队管理着各自的工作待办列表,待办列表中的事项来自多个业务领域和整个组织的合作伙伴的请求。从上到下几乎没有结构化的协调。随着工作的划分并下放到团队中,优先级、流程和工作结构逐渐变得独立和互不相干。
A Scaled Agile transition organized teams into collections of release trains centered around business value streams with a common Scaled Agile methodology. These groups of release trains, called "streams," were strategically aligned around similar business and technology capabilities, explicitly covering the mission-critical areas of Product Engineering, Data Intelligence, Infrastructure and Ope